TikTok Star JUFU Visits Acushnet’s Ford Middle School [VIDEO]
Acushnet's Ford Middle School had a special celebrity guest visit them last Friday.
TikTok star and young motivating ambassador JUFU paid a visit to the students to do a little video recording with the class body.
The moment I heard about his local appearance, I immediately emailed over to Principal Michelle Silvia to see if it was at all possible to crash the party, and with the approval from Superintendent Paula Bailey, I received the green light to watch the free concert.
"We used it as a PBIS award and highlighted the positives," Silvia told Fun 107. "Students who scored perfect MCAS scores – Kiana Coppa (ELA and Math) and Rachel Lemrise (Math) – and students who exceeded expectations on last year's MCAS, perfect attendance, and high honors/honors were invited to take a photo with him (JUFU)."
I'll be honest, I'm not on the TikTok app and was not exactly familiar with this JUFU guy. YouTube supplied me with a few music videos, all in the millions of views including his biggest hit "Who R U?":
Walking into a packed gymnasium, the students were already screaming with excitement as if the Backstreet Boys were spotted buying groceries at Market Basket back in 1999.
"Who is this guy?" I continued to ask myself.
His presence was making the students get completely star-struck and he had them at their full attention. One by one, he would TikTok the crowd, running around with the app recording in the background and individually shaking hands, high-fiving and posing with the students.
Finally, as he was about to leave, I made my move.
There was no way I was going to let him leave without a special 45-second "Gazelle Interview" and like always, it was gold.
"I have one question and one question only," I told lil' JUFU, "You have to fight either one hundred duck-sized horses or one horse-sized duck. What are you going with?"
His answer was priceless, just watch the video above to hear his response.