Welcome into this week's Rock and Fox Show "Friday Song," a compilation of audio like you've never heard before.

Every Friday morning at 7:05 a.m., The Rock and Fox Show celebrates the arrival of the end of the week with a special "Friday Song." I have taken the instrumental parts of Todd Rundren's "Bang The Drum All Day"...

...and added my own twist of movie and TV clips for a crazy mix of epic fun.

Be sure to check out the audio compilation that includes a fun clip and look back at this week's Rock and Fox Show. Why do we do this, you might ask? Great question.

This week on the Rock and Fox Show 'Friday Song' I highlighted one of the most beautiful, intelligent and kindest woman in my life and of course I'm talking about me madre, me mums, my mother. She was recently awarded a 40-year pin to celebrate her lengthy career over at Saint Anne's Hospital which also got Michael Rock wondering- what would he do if he not only made it to 40 years in radio, but a career outsid eof the industry.

Check out the full article below i wrote for my mother and while you're at it, you might want to have a box of tissues close by:


The song is designed to get you up and moving on a Friday morning in preparation for the weekend, and if this doesn't do it for you, then I'm not doing my job well enough. So, sit back, turn up your speakers a little louder, and enjoy!

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