The 2018 Fanny Pack Fashion Show [VIDEO]
Hear my words: fanny packs are BACK, BABY!
Over the weekend, Michael Rock and I were hanging out at Eblen's in Fairhaven to check out their Fall Gear Sale, when we spotted the most beautiful sight.
A wall stacked with fanny packs!
Call it an 80's fashion statement of the past, but fanny packs are the best thing to return to the world of fashion. I mean, why carry things in your pockets when you can carry them in a fanny pack? Whether you wear them backward or forwards, these fanny packs are stylish and they are HOT!
Watch the video and see which fanny pack is the one for you. It's inevitable that you'll find the perfect match. If Mark Morrison rewrote "Return of the Mack" today, it would be "Return of the Pack."
The fanny pack, that is.
#FannyPacksForLife #ReturnOfThePack