Congratulations to FUN 107's 'Teacher of the Month' for January 2014!

This month we awarded Ms. Ferreira at the Carney Academy in New Bedford as our 'Teacher of the Month'!  We surprised her with a gift card to The Pasta House, a nice gift from our sponsor, Bank 5, and a pizza party from Domino's!

Here's the nomination that was submitted to us for consideration:

"Ms. Ferreira is a newcomer to our family.  Our child Dylan, recently transferred to Ms. Ferreira from another school.  Her support and welcome to Dylan has been beyond description.  Her encouragement and patience has propelled this young man into excellence.  In meetings at school, in private chats, and outside at dismissal, finds this lady bringing smiles and success to those who are fortunate enough to cross paths.  She provides reassurance and encouragement.  Ms. Ferreira rises far beyond job criteria.  At a school bazaar, during a project research moment, you will find her presence to be the difference.  Having children of her own, I would hope that Dylan, above all, will recall his interaction with this lady as an inspiration.  If ever someone was deserving of consideration for being a supreme, yet humble individual, I nominate Ms. Ferreira...Thanks."

Congratulations Ms. Ferreira!!

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