
Water Wizz ‘Hero’ Arrested by Wareham Police
Water Wizz ‘Hero’ Arrested by Wareham Police
Water Wizz ‘Hero’ Arrested by Wareham Police
WAREHAM — Wareham Police have arrested 27-year-old Matthew McGonnigal of Weymouth, after he falsely claimed to stop a kidnapping in the parking lot of Water Wizz last weekend. A Facebook post went viral last weekend in which McGonnigle's fiancee claimed he fought off would-be kidnappers in the parking lot of the water park, and saved a young girl from being abducted...
Facebook Helps Local Teen Reunite With Most Prized Possession
Facebook Helps Local Teen Reunite With Most Prized Possession
Facebook Helps Local Teen Reunite With Most Prized Possession
I have a love/hate relationship with Facebook, as I think many people do. It's great to connect with people and I'm thankful for connections I've made because of the site, which otherwise would have been impossible or at the very least, difficult. It is full of drama though, which can be hard to escape, and then there's that pesky issue of people just knowing way too much about me. However, I thin