top 5

Vote Now: Top 5 Announced for $1000 Baby Idol
Vote Now: Top 5 Announced for $1000 Baby Idol
Vote Now: Top 5 Announced for $1000 Baby Idol
It's been an action packed couple of weeks.  The return of Baby Idol has been amped up with the addition of $1,000 cash for the grand prize.  When some of our sponsors heard about the contest, they decided to come to the table with some additional prizes. Now, ...
The Top Five Craziest Twist Endings in Movie History
The Top Five Craziest Twist Endings in Movie History
The Top Five Craziest Twist Endings in Movie History
In the tradition of ScreenCrush series like You Think You Know Movies and You Think You Know TV comes a brand new YouTube series: Top Five! Each week (or so; we’ve got a lot of other stuff going on), ScreenCrush editor and critic Matt Singer will count down a particular topic from the world of movies (and probably write these introductory posts in the third person).
Top 5 Holiday Movies
Top 5 Holiday Movies
Top 5 Holiday Movies
Gotta love the holidays. The food. The family. And of course, we can't forget about some of the holiday classics on TV.
Summer Movies
Summer Movies
Summer Movies
Being a child of the 80's, I always get flack from my wife for watching the same movies over and over, but I can't help it. I think they are classics!