SouthCoast Open for Business: Family Law Attorney Tim Horan
Businesses all across the SouthCoast and the Commonwealth got a boost of encouragement yesterday after Governor Baker announced that barbershops and hair salons could open with new regulations next week, while retail could begin curbside sales. The SouthCoast is slowly beginning the process of reopening for business.
As our lives and commerce slowly return to normal, each morning on The Rock and Fox Show, we'll spotlight a SouthCoast business leader who is fighting to continue to grow even during the COVID-19 pandemic. Today, we spoke with Attorney Tim Horan about family law and the effects that COVID-19 have had on it and families.
Horan confirmed what we all expected: the memes are true. Many couples who were on the rocks before quarantine are now inquiring about options for ending their marriage. There has, in fact, been an uptick in the number of people Googling info about divorce and family matters like custody, child support, etc. These are the issues Attorney Horan deals with all day long.
Horan also told us that since the beginning of the pandemic, the number of inquiries about estate planning have skyrocketed.
"When there's a traumatic event that people hear about or see, that makes them think about their own mortality," he said. "They start to think about estate planning. Everybody is living in this COVID environment in real-time, and people are starting to see that there are important aspects of their like that they're starting to plan for, and life can be fragile at times."
Horan told us that all too often people hear the words "estate planning" and feel like it is for rich people, but "it's something everybody should think about and do. Questions like 'who will watch our children if something happens to us, and what resources will they have to do it?' These questions are important ones and need to be answered."
Tim Horan can be reached by calling (508) 992-0630 or at AttorneyTimothyPHoran.com.
If you would like to promote how your business is handling the pandemic, please email Michael Rock at Rock@Fun107.com for more information or fill out this form.

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