SouthCoast Casino Could be Reconsidered by State Regulators
BOSTON — The possibility of a casino on the SouthCoast of Massachusetts isn't dead, after all.
State regulators over the next two months will be soliciting comments and concerns from those in the gaming industry and residents of southeastern Massachusetts surrounding a number of issues connected to a possible third full-scale casino to be located in Region C. Based on the comments received, the Massachusetts Gaming Commission could decide to re-open the bidding process.
The decision to open a two-month comment period on the possibility of re-opening Region C to a casino license bidding process was made during last week's meeting of the Massachusetts Gaming Commission.
The comment period opened on Wednesday, and comments will be accepted through November 30. The Commission has drafted twelve questions it is seeking responses to as it relates to a casino on the SouthCoast.
Comments will be accepted by email at mgccomments@state.ma.us. Comments sent via email must include "Region C" in the subject line. Responders may also send in their comments by mail to: Massachusetts Gaming Commission, 101 Federal Street, 12th Floor, Boston, MA 02110.
Massachusetts has granted three gambling licenses in the state, resulting in a slots parlor in Plainville and resort casinos in Boston and Springfield.
A third resort casino license was never granted after plans and funding for several proposals in SouthCoast communities never properly materialized, including a waterfront casino in New Bedford and a casino on the Brockton Fairgrounds.
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