Random Act of Kindness in the Southcoast Health Parking Lot
When you are rushing around on a rainy day and not a happy camper, take a breath and look around for a minute. Something like this will make you smile.
I sometimes fly through a day so fast that by the time I stop, sit and take a breath, it's dinnertime, and next on the agenda is rounding the kids up and getting them to finish their homework and ready for bed.
Like most moms, some days are more stressful than others and then there are days when I am just plain aggravated and can't find a second to appreciate anything, never mind "stopping to smell the roses," as the saying goes.
When I get like this, I try to remind myself to stop, take a few breaths and to look around and take in my surroundings. This usually calms my fast-paced ways and I always feel better. Plus when I do stop and chill I usually witness something worth seeing, like this wicked sweet random act of kindness.
One of my baseball mom friends, Jeannie, was going about her own crazy busy day yesterday when the sky opened up on the SouthCoast and started downpouring on her and her 11-year-old son Boston as they were walking out of the SouthCoast building in Fairhaven. Luckily, they had an umbrella. Boston noticed an elderly woman and her grandson trying to make it to their car while getting drenched from the rain. He quickly ran over to her with his umbrella and walked her and the very young little boy to their car, holding his umbrella over them to shield the rain and wind.
This is one of the nicest things I've seen all week and needed to share it to remind everyone that going out of your way and doing something nice for a stranger is something we should be doing more of.
Thanks for being such a sweet kid Boston and great job to mom and dad for raising such a good boy.😍
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