President Trump Follows Senator Elizabeth Warren With Call To Michael Rock Show
Senator Elizabeth Warren wasn't the only politician to call the Michael Rock Show this morning. President Trump followed Senator Warren's call about her Town Hall Meeting...saying he called in to get his time on the show, "fair is fair, Michael."
"You had Senator Elizabeth Warren on the show, but you didn't think to invite me," the President scolded Michael. "I am HUGELY insulted." The President is apparently keeping close tabs on all things Southcoast, as he is a frequent listener and even caller to the Michael Rock Show.
The President referenced the entire China Belle incident that dominated Fun 107 headlines this week...and also mentioned the live broadcast Fun 107 is having this weekend at Aaron Pools and Spas on Route 6 in Dartmouth.
Meanwhile, Elizabeth Warren will be attending a Town Hall Meeting this weekend at Greater New Bedford Voc Tech. Doors open at 11am, the Town Hall Meeting begins at Noon. Senator Warren says that no questions will be pre-screened at the Town Hall Meeting, and that she is ready for all of the tough questions.
In case you missed Michael Rock's interview with Elizabeth Warren, you can click on the button below to hear it in its entirety.