Online Classes Should Not Be Used on Snow Days
I've been seeing this pop up more and more when I scroll through Facebook for this upcoming school year, the idea of having kids take classes online during snow days in order to avoid missing valuable classroom time due to the weather.
In short, no, no and NO. Can we just let the kids enjoy the day off, for crying out loud? Let's be honest, most teachers have been way ahead of this curb for years anyway, usually assigning extra homework on the day before a storm hits in case kids get the day off.
Also, to some, this may seem crazy, but not everyone has internet access at home. It wouldn't be fair for them to be left behind that day or treat it as if they were totally absent (if that were the case, I hope it would be at least an excused absence).
Let's be honest, snow days bring a certain excitement to every school kid's life. There is no feeling like getting that call saying school has been canceled and immediately wanting to be snowed in with your best friends, neglecting all priorities.