New Rules for Attending Theme Parks Might Go Too Far
We know there will be new rules and regulations in order to stay safe when it comes to heading back to the theme parks, but this one rule goes too far.
I have been curious as to how some of these theme parks are actually going to open while this pandemic is still going on. While I know Disney and Universal have plans to open in the next few weeks with many regulations in place, some other parks around the world have already opened and are creating the game plan for what theme parks here in the States may end up following.
One of the rules they are implementing in Japan is the "no screaming" rule. They will, of course, implement wearing masks and regular temperature checks. Sanitation stations will also be commonplace. I can see how they would enforce masks and checking your temp before you enter the park but how can they possibly keep people from screaming on rides?
Imagine you are on a roller coaster and you can't help but let a scream out? How do they pinpoint who actually screamed on a ride? What happens to that person? Do they kick them out?
I don't know about you, but going to a theme park and getting on a rollercoaster is all for the thrill – and letting a good scream out is part of that. If we have to wear a mask already, what harm is a good scream?
If they implement this "no screaming" rule here, would you still attend theme parks? I guess screaming on a ride is the least of our concerns when it comes to staying safe but I'm definitely curious what going to a theme park will look like this summer.