New Bedford Connect is an annual event with a goal of connecting the homeless to services they might need, and eventually a stable future. This year's event is scheduled for Wednesday, September 22, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the downtown YMCA. The event is held in September every year to make contact with the homeless before the cold weather sets in.

New Bedford Connect is organized by Rise Up For Homes and the 40 local agencies that make up the Homeless Service Providers Network. They want to provide homeless individuals and families with easy access to services, get them off the streets and/or shelters and into more permanent, stable housing.

On September 22, agency representatives and volunteers will meet with homeless individuals, discuss their immediate needs, and gently guide them through their options.

Josh Amaral is the Assistant Director of PACE, New Bedford's anti-poverty agency and a member of the Homeless Service Providers Network. He expects more than 100 homeless folks to attend. Many he said will walk in, while others will be transported by shuttle buses to the YMCA.

During an interview this week on Townsquare Sunday, Amaral said volunteers are still needed. Organizers are also accepting donations that day of breakfast foods, coffee, soft drinks and water. Paper plates, napkins, and plastic utensils would also be helpful.

Townsquare Sunday is a weekly public affairs program, heard Sunday at 6 and 11 a.m. on 1420 WBSM. The program highlights individuals and organizations that are working to make Greater New Bedford a better place to live and work.

If you would like your organization featured on Townsquare Sunday, please e-mail the host at

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