NEW BEDFORD — New Bedford officials are announcing this year's free holiday parking program to encourage shopping, dining, and other spending in city business districts through December.

Free parking will be offered for two hours at both the Elm Street and the Zeiterion parking garages, as well as at meters along Acushnet Avenue in the North End, through Dec. 31.

Parking tickets will also be forgiven for those parked in the garages or at the Acushnet Avenue business district who can show they've spent more than $10 at local businesses that same day.

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The receipt must show spending of at least $10 at a merchant or restaurant either downtown or along Acushnet Avenue in the North End.

Receipts for parking ticket forgiveness can be presented or mailed to the Traffic Commission office in the Elm Street Garage within 21 days of the date on the ticket.

The office in the garage at 51 Elm St. is open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. or can be reached by phone at 508-961-3153 for questions or concerns.

New Bedford Acushnet Ave Fire 12-2-2022

Sixteen people were displaced as New Bedford firefighters battled a blaze in an apartment over a florist shop on Acushnet Avenue on the afternoon of December 2.


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