More Shellfishing Closures
Shellfish closure is taking place along the Nantucket Sound side of the Cape, Martha's Vineyard, and Nantucket alongside already existing closures like Buzzards Bay and Mount Hope Bay.
According to Cape Cod Times, a massive phytoplankton bloom has risen that could produce deadly toxins harmful to humans.
The state Division of Marine Fisheries’ chief shellfish biologist Michael Hickey says they get these blooms every so often and people have seen high numbers of it. But because of the phytoplankton Pseudo-nitzschia blooms, the toxins they produce are rare but dangerous.
The species that are banned for the time being are oysters, clams, mussels and other popular shellfish. You can still harvest and sell sea and bay scallop adductor muscles, and carnivorous snails like conch and whelk though.
Products that have already been harvested are safe for consumption according to state health and fishery officials.
Additional Reporting By: Mikaylee McEwan