More Online Auction Items for Abby Samways
We are spotlighting little Abby Samways and her family this morning for Holiday Wish Week. Abby is 10 years old and has an extremely rare condition. Only three people in New England suffer from her condition. She requires round-the-clock care. She is immobile, non-verbal, blind, and has trouble swallowing.
Abby has two very important needs that immediate attention.
1. She is approaching 50 pounds. When Abby reaches 50 pounds, a major problem develops. By law, her nurses will no longer be permitted to pick her up (due to safety reasons). She'll need a "hook" that will move her from her bed to her wheelchair, etc. The problem is that the state won't pay for the "hook" until Abby reaches 75 pounds.
2. The Make-A-Wish Foundation gifted the family a brand new generator, but their policy did not allow them to hook up the generator to their panel. The generator is needed because when the Samways lose power, they are faced with much more than just a minor inconvenience. All of Abby's medical equipment requires power. She absolutely needs it to survive.
Bob's Sea and Ski has donated some skis and bindings for you to bid on.
Flavia from Avalon Medical Spa called and is donating four sessions of Cool Tone. One session is equivalent to doing 20,000 sit ups! It's a $2,400 value. You can bid on the Cool Tone sessions here.
Bob's Sea and Ski also stopped in with skis, boots, and bindings – a complete ski package including lift tickets to eight New England ski resorts. Click here to bid on the ski package.
And the auction is still ongoing for some brand new appliances from David Vermette at Vermette Development/V Corps.