Mercury Retrograde Begins With a Full Moon Around the Corner
Apparently, Mercury wanted to be like all of the cool kids and join Pluto, Saturn, Neptune, Jupiter, and Uranus in Retrograde on Friday, September 9, and will last in this phase until Sunday, October 2. The interesting that about the celestial event is that there is also a full moon on Saturday, September 10. Buckle up.
Stephanie Burke is a local Psychic Medium and Reiki Master Teacher. Her analysis of this Mercury Retrograde can be summed up by warning others to “tread lightly.”
“As always with Mercury Retrograde, remember that Mercury is the planet of communication and retrograde makes everything that is normal backward,” Burke said. “So, communication with others will be difficult, even during simple conversations. Choose your words carefully and try to really listen when others are speaking to you. It’s very easy to have nice conversations turn into a disaster. We become very sensitive to people’s tones while they speak, and their emotions and mood during this time as well.”
Burke mentioned that technology can also be on the fritz as is typical with many Mercury Retrogrades.

“The usual electronic meltdowns have been happening all week and will continue until the retrograde is over,” Burke said. “Technology is never our friend during these times. Anything that can break or breakdown, will. Plan ahead for mishaps. If you’re traveling, make sure to give yourself enough extra time, but don’t be surprised with delays.”
Burke wants to remind us that just because the planet is retrograde does not necessarily have to be viewed as a bad thing.
“The positive part of Mercury retrograde is that it exposes our weak points so we can work on them during this time and come out on the other end prepared and ready to implement the changes,” Burke said. “We become so frustrated with our everyday life moving slowly during this time, but it’s meant to happen in order to slow us down so we can take a better, longer look at what we should be accomplishing.”
While Mercury is in Libra, it will focus on what imbalances we have in our emotional and relationship departments. This along with a very emotional full moon in Pisces tomorrow night, could potentially create the perfect recipe for chaos.
“Prepare for a shakeup,” Burke said. “You will feel all the feels. Picture living inside of a snow globe of emotions that someone keeps shaking for fun. Be mindful of your feelings, thoughts, and words. If you catch yourself feeling overly emotional, take a deep breath and walk away to find a quiet space or take a break for some quiet time. Chances are, you’re misunderstanding the situation. Sometimes we let our emotions get the best of us, but at this point in time, it’s best to give ourselves extra time to think through it. Try to calmly communicate what you need to, or put it off if you can until after the weekend.”
Burke explained that once Mercury moves into Virgo on Friday, September 23, things will feel much lighter and much clearer.
“While we’ll still feel the effects of the retrograde, it will be much easier for us to reflect, review, and reassess where we are and where we want to be, “Burke said. “We will feel much more motivated to move forward. This will be the time to start getting our ducks in a row to positively move forward once retrograde is over.”
Here are a few tips to make it to Monday, October 3 in one piece:
- Plan ahead.
- Stay calm.
- Speak slower, think about your words before you say them, and listen well.
- Take time to organize your projects and ideas - make lists
- Make time to think about what you want for relationships and friendships in the future:
- Are you feeling fulfilled?
- Do you require more in those particular relationships?
- Are you honoring yourself or your self-worth?
- Have open conversations if you misunderstand something.
- Don’t be quick to jump into an argument.
- Take time for self-care, whatever that means for you.
- Get yourself outside if possible and watch a sunset.
- Meet up or connect with old friends that you miss because life has been busy.
- Take time to finish that book or TV show you’ve been watching.
- Go for a walk and enjoy nature.
- Try something new.
- Anything to do with relaxation is a good idea to avoid burnout.
- Slowing down and clearing out your space both physically and mentally is a great
- way to spend this time. For example, clean out closets, garages, etc.
- Finish up old projects or things that you have lingering that you can cross off your list.
- Whatever you do, don’t pick up the phone when your ex calls.
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