Mattapoisett Police First in Massachusetts to Use New 911 Technology
Mattapoisett Police are the first in Massachusetts to launch some new, innovative software that has changed the way officers get 911 information out in the field.
Chief Jason King says he first read about the new software in an article and instantly started working to bring it to Mattapoisett.
The software is called Livestream 911, and it was developed by two officers in Chula Vista, California. The new system allows Mattapoisett Police to hear 911 calls coming into the station in real-time.
"It's an added tool for the officers in the car," King said. "Being able to hear the actual 911 allows all of the officers to hear subtle things like the tone of the caller's voice that could be vital information when seconds count."
King says a number of other local police departments have reached out to inquire about the new Livestream 911 system. The cost was roughly $14,000, covered by a state grant.
"When I first asked the state 911 commission for a grant for it, they said, 'What the heck is this?' They had never heard about it. It was a process to get it approved because no one had heard of it, but I think departments that go after it now will have an easier time."
While King has every 911 call go to all of his officers on duty, a city like New Bedford might find that to be overwhelming.
"There is a setting within the software that allows you to choose who should get the 911 call's audio. So, if a call comes in from the South End of New Bedford, only police in that area will receive it," King said.
"Having our officers more prepared for the call they are going to helps everyone involved. Them having a better idea of what to expect when they arrive is a huge advantage."