Mattapoisett Harbor Days Are Here!
Mattapoisett Harbor Days has a full schedule of events including entertainment, trendy vendors with accessories, clothing, jewelry and crafts. And of course, they are famous for their local food and treats!
Have anything to do this weekend? If not you should head to the Mattapoisett Harbor Days on Shipyard Park in Mattapoisett.
It starts this Thursday evening July 13th at 7pm. and goes through Sunday afternoon. And if you are worried about the weather, weve got the ok from the ABC6 weather center that this up-coming weekend looks spectacular!
The Habor Days Craft Fair will have more than 100 vendors there. Check out all of the cool items that will be sold at the event. It may be the perfect time for you to buy a little something for yourself :) Whatever the case, it will be a great event that you won't want to miss. The complete list of events, days and times is right here!
Additional reporting by Michaela Bottino