Local Democrats to be Elected This Month to Attend MA Convention
NEW BEDFORD - Democrats from all 6 New Bedford Wards will be holding caucuses on Sunday, February 25, 2018 from 1-4 p.m. at the Our Lady of the Angels Band Club, located at 1446 Acushnet Avenue, New Bedford to elect up to 56 delegates and 24 alternates to the 2018 Massachusetts Democratic Convention which will be held on Saturday, June 2, 2018 at the DCU Center, 50 Foster Street, Worcester, MA. At that convention, democrats from across the state will gather to meet fellow activists and hear from elected officials about our policies and the ongoing organizing to prevent drastic reductions in our rights by our current President and the Republican-held Congress. Since it is also a Nominating Convention for MA Constitutional Offices, we will hear from the various Democrats that are running for State Offices, including Governor, Lt. Governor, Sec. of State, Attorney General, Treasurer, etc.
We request that interested citizens arrive at the caucuses on Sunday, February 25th, by 12:30 p.m. so we can register and greet people, but remind you that you must arrive no later than 1:15 p.m. to be allowed to participate either to run as a delegate or simply to vote for convention delegates. Coffee and donuts will be available.
The caucuses are open to all registered Democrats in New Bedford and unregistered or un-enrolled voters may register as Democrats on site that day so they may participate. Delegate selection will be divided equally between men and women, and all ballots will be written in secret. Youth, minorities, people with disabilities and LGBT individuals who are not elected as either delegates or alternates may apply to be “add-on” delegates. The caucus location is handicapped accessible. Details on the rules can be found at www.massdems.org. To run as a delegate, you must either be a registered Democrat or be willing to register as a Democrat at the caucuses.
The New Bedford Democratic City Committee meets somewhat regularly on the first Tuesday evening of each month at the Painters/Greater SE MA Labor Council office located at 560 Pleasant St., New Bedford and we always welcome new members or participants. For more information on the caucuses or the committee, please contact Richard Drolet at 508-801-2881 or e-mail him at Branch18NALC@Yahoo.com.
For your information, we also hire a bus to take delegates up to the convention for a slight fee for the ride and a box lunch for New Bedford and surrounding town delegates. For general information on the Convention or the Democratic Party, please call 617-939-0800 or contact@massdems.org.
-Richard Drolet, Chairman, New Bedford Democratic City Committee
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