Holiday Wish Week: Brandi from New Bedford
Brandi is a 27-year-old ovarian cancer survivor who is currently struggling to make ends meet for herself and her two young children.
Brandi was just 21-years-old when her daughter was born and she found out that she had ovarian cancer. As a young woman, and a brand new mom, Brandi was terrified of what the disease meant not only for her but for her new baby.
Since her original diagnosis, Brandi has had chemo and surgery to remove one of her ovaries and is (thankfully) currently cancer-free. She does have several appointments a year to monitor her health, which is made challenging now that she has two children (six-year-old daughter and two-year-old son) and no mode of transportation of her own.
Since her illness, Brandi has struggled to get back on her feet. She does have an apartment but has little to no furniture and has a hard time making ends meet. Her ultimate goal is to go back to BCC and work in childcare and in the meantime, she's hoping that she can at least give her two children a great Christmas and get some additional items for her home.
If you would like to make a donation to Brandi, you can do so by texting “wishes” to 31313 and pledging a donation amount of your choosing. Or by calling 508-994-1071. You can also make a donation online here.
All of our families are pre-selected through the United Way of Greater New Bedford. If you are in need of assistance, please contact the United Way directly.