Have You Met ‘Limpy,’ the Famous Turkey?
We have been known to make a few pets go viral online – Grumpy Cat, for example. This is a first I have ever heard of it happening with a turkey.
It started out with the turkey, "Limpy," getting news recognition up in Boston. The turkey got its name, as you can imagine, from missing one leg. This wasn't just any one-legged turkey, though. This was an adventurous one. Its owner has been determined to get the turkey a prosthetic leg by starting a crowdfunding campaign.
The turkey lives in Reading, Massachusetts. The community knows Limpy because the turkey is constantly limping around town.
Ok, so this turkey has had some previous television exposure but I don't think he was ready for the type of attention this massive pop star was about to give him.
We all know Charlie Puth. He is one of the most played artists on Fun 107. He was visiting Boston promoting his new song "Mother." Mr. Puth also has a history with Boston as he went to the Berklee School of Music. No wonder he is so talented.
He dropped into one of the morning shows where the host told him about Limpy.
Charlie, being the talented dude he is, randomly busted out a beatbox and made up these lyrics: "Limpy...Limpy...Limpy, why are you pecking my tires?" he sang over the beat he created, even incorporating the sound of pecking.
You can find the full interview and rap on the Limpy Facebook Group.
Charlie is notorious for making everything into lyrics. He continued to beatbox and even include sirens in the song.
Pretty sure "Limpy" is the most famous turkey now, at least in Massachusetts. I have a feeling he won't be on anyone's dinner table this Thanksgiving.