Getting the Antibody Test Was Not as Hard as I Thought
All the traveling I do as a flight attendant on the weekends has me wondering if I have developed the antibodies against COVID-19 and didn't even know it.
Before you start pointing your fingers at me for going and getting the test, it was actually suggested by the airline for which I work. Since many flight attendants get exposed to so many germs and build up our immune systems, being asymptomatic if we did contract the coronavirus is pretty probable.
I was hesitant to even inquire but a family member told me that it didn't hurt to call and see if they had any appointments. A clinic in Raynham has the antibody tests so I called them up. They actually have appointments the next day. Before I booked, I asked if I should get it done. The woman on the phone said that because I traveled a lot, especially in the month of March, that it wouldn't hurt to get the test and they were actually slowing down in demand when it came to the antibody test so they had plenty of supply on hand.
I booked my appointment for the next day. There was a protocol to follow when I arrived. I had to stay in my car, confirm my information and wait until they were ready for me. Within minutes I was in the clinic, blood drawn.
Results are yet to come in; when they are ready I can log online to see if I'm negative or positive for the antibodies. They explained to me that if a positive result came back that I could call the Red Cross and donate my plasma to help treat those that are battling the virus now, and that I also may receive a phone call from the state health department to hopefully do some tracing and gather more data.
I did mention again that I was concerned that I was using another test for someone that may need one and they reassured me that they wish more people would get this test. The more information, the better, and that so much is unknown right now.
For those of you wondering, I haven't flown the friendly skies since late March and probably won't be again until July.
Anyone else get the antibody test? I know Michael Rock took the home version this past weekend.