Getting Out To Block Island Could Be More Expensive Soon
If you enjoy taking trips out to Block Island in the summertime, you may have to save up a bit more money to make it happen this year.
The operator of the Block Island Ferry is seeking to raise rates this season.
According to the Providence Journal, Interstate Navigation Company, Inc.has filed a request with the Rhode Island Public Utilities Commission to increase rates by 10 percent.
The price hike would be for passenger and vehicle tickets for the Block Island Ferry's traditional ferry service. Commuter, freight and fast-ferry prices would reportedly stay the same.
But don't think the rate increase is going to line anyone's pockets. The company says they need to raise prices in order to cover the costs of vessel and dock maintenance.
The proposed increased would change ticket prices as follows:
Tickets will increase by $1.25 to $13.60 each way for adults. A child's ticket would rise from $6.25 to $6.90. Vehicle tickets would rise from $38.95 to $42.85 for cars and from $47.90 to $52.70 for trucks.