Fall River Spraying Scheduled
The Herald News says that the Bristol County Mosquito Control Project will be doing ground spraying in the area bordered by Dwelly, Montaup, Bates, Meeson and Laurel streets between 2 and 5 a.m. this Friday, Aug. 11.
This spraying is in response to finding the presence of the Asian tiger mosquito in a recent collection by the state. It is important to note that these findings do not constitute an imminent public health risk. The Asian tiger is considered an aggressive daytime biter and can be a significant annoyance. Residents who live in the area are encouraged keep their windows closed and refrain from going outside during the spraying.
For more information, visit www.mass.gov/dph/mosquito for details on spraying and mosquito repellents.
— Be aware of peak mosquito hours: The hours from dusk to dawn are peak biting times for many mosquitoes. Be sure to use repellent and protective clothing.
— Clothing can help reduce mosquito bites: Although it may be difficult to do when it’s hot, as mentioned in the Herald News article, wearing long-sleeves, long pants and socks when outdoors and in areas of higher mosquito populations, and at peak biting times will help keep mosquitoes away from your skin.
For more information please call the Bristol County Mosquito Control Project at 508-823-5253 to find out what they are doing in the area and to request spraying of their property. Their website is www.mass.gov/eea/bristolcountymosquitocontrol.