Diman Regional Vocational Technical High School

Fall River's Diman Regional Voc-Tech High School has a massive construction project going on and we wanted to get some updates on how it's coming along.

If you've driven by Diman recently, you probably noticed some really good progress being made. The work is a pretty massive undertaking.

You can view the progress in real time with the live stream of the construction site, which is pretty awesome.

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So what is actually being built?

"Diman is in the process of building a new school building, which will increase the number of students attending Diman," Superintendent Brian Bentley said.

As superintendent, Bentley oversees all the construction and acts as a liaison between the moving parts of this massive undertaking.

Bentley said the school will have the latest technology available for its 18 vocational program offerings.

The price tag on this new building comes in just under $300 million, with most of it funded by the Massachusetts School Building Authority.

While it may appear that things are moving along, the anticipated time for construction to be completed is still over a year out, with hopes of it being done in August of 2026 and the entire project completed by August 2028.

The first building to be completed will be the school itself, and then will come demolition of the current school to build new athletic fields.

Drew Furtado
Drew Furtado

"This new school represents a powerful commitment to the future of our children, our community, and the value we place on education," Bentley said. "It is a symbol of our unwavering dedication to providing the best possible learning environment for the young minds who will shape tomorrow."

"Our students are the heart and soul of this endeavor," he said. "This school, with its state-of-the-art facilities, dedicated educators and nurturing atmosphere, will be a place where their dreams and aspirations take root and flourish."

The Diman students, as well as those of any of our area vocational schools, are learning trades that are the backbone of our country, and new students are graduating every year looking for a job in which they can use what they have learned in these schools.

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