Fairhaven Gas Station Displays Unbeatable Price
I'm not sure what it is between me and weird things involving gas prices, but it happened again last night.
I was in Fairhaven and I needed gas, so I stopped into the new Bridge Street Mobil station. I jumped out of the car and started filling up my tank when my son rolled down the window and said, "Dad, check out the prices."
It was the weirdest sight. All along the top of the gas pump, the prices had all been changed to $0.00.
Free gas!
Not quite. While the prices were displayed as $0.00 above the gas pumps, the prices that were shown down by the pump itself was, unfortunately, very accurate at $3.29 for regular unleaded, $3.69 for extra, and $3.99 for super-unleaded.
Before I left, I took a picture that showed multiple pumps displaying (essentially) free gas.
On the Fun 107 morning show, Maddie and Gazelle joked that I should have gone inside and complained to try to get a free tank, but I wasn't that bold.
This isn't the first time I've encountered an odd gas price glitch.
It was at the very same gas station last summer when gas prices were soaring. One of the gas pumps was displaying cheaper prices than the others. Some people wondered if it was a case of different prices for cash or credit, but that was not the case. Also, some people thought it might have been a full-serve/self-serve difference. Also not the case. It was just a gas price glitch.
Finally, I came across a third gas price glitch over the summer of 2021. The new Cumberland Farms on Brayton Avenue in Fall River was getting ready for its grand opening when a foreshadowing of what was to come appeared. The regular unleaded price displayed was a whopping $9.08 a gallon (with super unleaded at $9.31). We joked about it in June of '21, but no one would have laughed had we known $5-per-gallon gas prices were headed our way.