If you've listened to the Rock and Fox Show for anything more than 30 seconds over the past week, it is painfully obvious that I am recovering from a nasty cold virus.

I started to go downhill slowly last week. By Thursday, I was closing my eyes while the songs were playing on the radio. By Friday morning, I did something I have only done a handful of times over my 25-year radio career: I called in sick and missed my show.

I was bedridden Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. I dragged myself into the studio on Monday, and here I am on Thursday, still feeling the effects of this stubborn virus. I'll go hours without coughing, then break into a coughing fit that is so severe it has people wondering if everything is going to be OK. My throat (and voice) is trash. I've had it with this annoying cold.

People have been suggesting for me to drink tea and honey. It's not a bad temporary fix, but there's only so much tea I can drink.

We had a listener call the show this morning with a suggestion for me that I'd never heard of before. She told me to rub Vicks VapoRub on my feet and put on socks before I get into bed. She swears that when I wake up, my cold will be resolved.

Have you ever tried this before? Does it really work?


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