Discover Bristol’s Beautiful Audubon Nature Center and Aquarium
Just a short drive from the SouthCoast is a perfect family day trip adventure for those who love exploring both land and sea. The Audubon Nature Center and Aquarium in Bristol is a hidden gem in Rhode Island that offers self-guided exploration of their 28-acre wildlife refuge as well as family programs and birding classes throughout the year.
And that's just what's happening on the outside.
Inside the nature center is a natural history museum with interactive exhibits, marine life from nearby Narragansett Bay and even a 33-foot life-size model of a North Atlantic Right Whale.

Somehow as a child growing up in Rhode Island I never once went to the Audubon Nature Center and Aquarium in Bristol. No field trips, no family trips, nothing.
It wasn't until I had kids of my own and learned about the annual Raptor Weekend event that I even knew this nature wonderland was there. Though now that I know, my kids and I go all the time. Because the place is beautiful, the grounds are full of all kinds of wildlife and the hiking is mainly nice and flat.
No matter what type of creatures your kids are into, there is a good chance you'll find them at this nature center. On my most recent trip walking the grounds there were butterflies everywhere, birds chirping from so many trees, the ospreys flying over the water and we even caught sight of a young raccoon wandering through the surrounding woodland.
So if you need a day off the couch and out for some exploring, this sweet spot is just the place for packing a picnic and enjoying some amazing environments.
Explore Land and Sea at Bristol's Audubon Nature Center and Aquarium
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