The Artistic Dance Studio recital was Saturday night and the dancers' dads were the ones stealing the show.

The show was a huge hit with tons of dance routines from students of all ages. But it was the NSYNC number featuring dancer's dads that really blew the audience away.

The number starts with a group of teen girls and guys dancing to NSYNC's "Girlfriend" then around the 2:20 mark the song changes and the dads head out on stage.

They then break it down to a combo of "It's Gonna Be Me" and "Bye, Bye, Bye."

And it's just as delightful as it sounds!

Honestly these dads have moves!

They are clearly enjoying themselves doing this routine fav is the dad in the front who seems to lip syncing along with the songs while dancing (I'd probably be doing the same thing!).

They've got their baseballs caps at all different angles, a JT fedora in there, one dad even wears a "Bye, Bye, Bye" is all amazing.

I think I've watched this video a half a dozen times already and it literally makes me smile every time!

Not sure if the dads are part of the recital every year, but I certainly look forward to seeing what they come up with next year.

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