Is Costco Really Coming to Rhode Island? Here’s What We Know
So, is Costco actually coming to Cranston or is it just one big rumor?
The news broke in August of last year that the supposed site would be next to the brand new Top Golf on Sockanosset Rd., and according to chatter online from a few influential people, Rhode Islanders will be scoring major deals without having to make the drive to Avon or Dedham.
Is Costco Really Coming to Cranston?
It’s been on the minds of Rhode Island shoppers since the news broke last year that Costco was coming, but the biggest question remains: When?
Will Gilbert, co-host of The Rhode Show on CBS, shared some intel he uncovered after his latest trip to the Dedham location.
“I was just in Dedham and they told me,” he replied to an online user who asked if the rumors were true. “They also said the Mayor was also in the store this week getting his membership and touring.”
When asked about the opening date, A representative from Costco in Dedham said to Fun 107, “To my knowledge, there is no specific date yet.”
While the representative didn’t confirm an opening date, they confirmed the actuality of it. That’s a start.
Where Will Costco Be in Cranston?
The original report from NBC10 placed the future Costco in the former Citizens Bank property between Sockanosset Cross Road and Route 37, but a former City Council member disputed that.
When an online user asked, “Where in Cranston?” Former Vice President of the Ward 4 City Council, Ed Brady, replied, “Chapel View in the lot above Top Golf.”
Chapel View is owned by the Carpionato Group, the same group that has their banner hanging outside of the ongoing construction for the brand-new Top Golf coming to Sockanosset Cross Road. Back in August, Carpionato Group told NBC 10 that it was in active negotiations with various organizations and had no signed lease at the time the article was released.
So, we have learned a few new developments: Costco is definitely coming to Rhode Island, it’s potentially coming soon, and it will be a part of the popular Chapel View in Cranston.
More on this story as it develops.