Consider Fostering a Shelter Animal During ‘Social Distancing’
While many people are spending more time at home, it could be the perfect time to take in a companion.
Many local shelters are seeking foster families for their animals amid the coronavirus shutdowns.
Of course having the least number of animals in the shelters will make things much easier on those that continue to care for them. And having a new family friend for a few weeks could be great for you.
I mean why spend your 'social distancing' time alone?
And currently there is absolutely no evidence that pets can contract COVID-19, so you certainly wouldn't be putting them at risk.
In fact you'd be helping them get out of the shelter and into a loving home. Even if just for a short time.
One local animal shelter, the Potter League for Animals, even has an easy online form you can fill out to register as a foster family.
Of course like many buisnesses out there these days, the Potter League and numerous other local shelters, are limiting the face-to-face interactions they have each day so registering in person is not an option right now.
Neither is adoption without an appointment. Though you can call around and still make those as well.
And if you do qualify to foster, you would need to go to the shelter to pick up the animal, they are not delivering any pets to people's doors.
Still a furry someone to keep you company during these confusing times or to keep the kids occupied while they are out of school could be a perfect fit for your family.
Contact your local shelter to learn more.

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