City Council Preparing For Potential Effects of Question 4
The New Bedford City Council passed along four proposed items to one of their committees Thursday in preparation of the passing of Question 4 on the November ballot, which would legalize the recreational use of Marijuana in Massachusetts.
Ward 6 Councilor Joseph Lopes filed five separate motions Thursday in regards to the use and sale of recreational marijuana in the city. Four of the motion were passed along to the Committee on Ordinances and will be discussed following the November elections.
"It's hard to do something without knowing the outcome of the November elections, so once we know the outcome we can go from that point on," Lopes said.
The matters that will be discussed include a proposed two-percent tax on marijuana sales, limiting the amount of licensed marijuana retailers to no more than 20% of the number of current liquor stores in the city and a potential ballot question on the next bi-annual State Election asking whether to allow the sale of marijuana and marijuana products for consumption on the premises where sold in New Bedford.
Additionally, the recent proposed ban on public consumption of recreational marijuana will be sent back to Ordinances for further discussion. The proposal has taken a lot of heat since it was introduced earlier this week, but Lopes is looking forward to working things out.
"You're never going to make everybody happy but I think we'll try to get to a point where we can get to a compromise ordinance that hits all the benefits we need for a community of our size," said Lopes.
A motion filed to work with other city offices to establish a zoning ordinance for recreational marijuana retailers failed to move along.
All motions filed Thursday pertain only to recreational marijuana and would not effect the status of medicinal uses of the drug.