Child Safety Seat Checkpoint in Taunton This Weekend
The Taunton Police Department just scheduled a child safety seat check to make sure that your little one's car seat is installed properly.
"To celebrate the unusually warm weather expected this Saturday, we’ve added a winter Child Passenger Safety Seat Checkpoint at the Taunton DPW."
Taunton Police Department's nationally certified car seat technician will be available to check your child's safety seat to ensure it is installed correctly. If you need a car seat installed, this is the perfect time to come down and have it done. For more information or questions, please email Child Passenger Safety Technicians at
The Taunton Department of Public Works is located at 90 Ingell Street and the event will be held on Saturday, January 11 from 9 am to 12 noon, rain or shine.
I have a toddler nephew who is two and a half years old. His car seat might as well be a Rubix cube or furniture from IKEA. There's always an extra strap that I have no idea where it goes. As soon as I figured out the last setup, he changed from rear-facing to forward-facing. I make his dad install the seat in my car whenever I take him anywhere.
I also have another nephew on the way. His parents have been looking for an install checkpoint to make sure the newborn is safe on the ride from the hospital in January or February, and every car ride for the rest of his life. I will definitely mention this event to them because as a first-time parent, I'm sure they'd love the peace of mind knowing they attended.