The bitter cold showed no signs of letting up this morning as the MGM Show raced from our cars in the Fun 107 parking lot into the warm studio. Wednesday morning temperatures were stubborn, lingering in the single digits for nearly our entire morning show. The wind chill made it feel like sub-zero conditions.

On the air, we discussed just how unbearable the temperatures were. I mentioned seeing a roofing crew working on top of a house yesterday afternoon in these brutal conditions. Michaela brought up her husband, who works outdoors as a carpenter. It's incredibly tough to handle any outdoor job in weather like this. We posed the question to the Fun 107 audience: "Would you rather work in extreme cold temperatures like we're experiencing today, or extreme heat, like during a July heatwave?"

There was no gray area on this one—the results were surprisingly split. Pro-cold advocates argued that you could always layer up, but in the heat, there’s only so much you can take off. Pro-heat supporters countered that the cold “hurts” more and that as long as you stay hydrated, it’s easier to endure high temperatures than frigid ones.

What stood out was just how evenly divided the opinions were, split almost right down the middle.

As you go about your day today, keep in mind those mail carriers and UPS drivers. Don’t forget the construction crews and the workers on fishing boats. This extreme cold is more than just uncomfortable—it can be dangerous if someone isn’t properly dressed.

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