Are You Ready for an Animated Spice Girls Movie?
I'm not ashamed to admit that my first ever CD purchase was the Spice World album—followed by an even more embarrassing Hanson purchase.
The Spice Girls have managed to always come up in conversation when it comes to women and empowerment. I guess you could say their empire that involved movies, music, and scents really stuck with us.
Well, according to the president of Paramount Animation, there is an animated film that is in the works. Now we have heard rumors of a Spice Girls reunion and it really fell flat. They are currently touring without Victoria, a.k.a. Posh Spice. However, according to Paramount, ALL the girls are very much involved in the new film and have agreed to take part.
I don't know about you, but forget animated film, I want another Spice World movie, "Where Are They Now?"-style.
Anywho, I'm excited for this. I'm glad the girls could all come together for something. The great part is this is just part of what the production company is doing to showcase women. Can we get a movie theater for the premiere? Can we get all the girls together in one place for the first time in over a decade for the premiere? I will do whatever it takes to be there. No set release date yet, but probably late 2020. Fingers crossed. I know it will be hilarious.