A Fall River Landmark Is About To Depart
The iconic train car at McDonald's in Fall River has been a landmark in the city for more than 35 years. The time has now come for the long silver relic to be hauled away. As it was originally announced well over a year ago, the fast-food restaurant on William S Canning Boulevard will close for several months beginning this Wednesday.
According to fallriverreporter.com, this is the week when one of the oldest McDonald's will close for major renovations. WRPI originally reported that the huge car was brought to the restaurant's location via truck in 1982. For several years you could actually eat inside the train car, but it has now been vacant for the past several years.
The manager of that McDonald's location told me that the car will actually be removed sometime in early March, and taken to the Train Museum in Portsmouth, R.I. It was originally reported that the car would be refurbished and used as an ice cream car in either Portsmouth or Newport.
McDonald's on William S. Canning Boulevard is expected to reopen with the latest company design by early summer.