5 Cliche Things I Expect From My First Wedding Experience
Somehow I have gone 20+ years without a single invite to a wedding, but I have seen plenty of TV. If these moments don't happen someone has some explaining to do
There are plenty of things that I can cross off of my bucket list. I've rode in a hot air balloon, I have seen Niagara Falls and have been to Disney World, I saw Kanye West in concert. But the one thing I have still on list that turns the most heads is that I've never been to a wedding.
Whether it be because I'm the baby of my family or the second hand embarrassment people get when they see me on the dance floor, I have yet to be a part of someone's perfect day.
However I believe I have a good concept of that happens when the knot gets tied, mostly due to the days of my life I've spent binge watching my favorite television shows. With that being said, if none of these moments happen at my first attended wedding there's going to be some explaining to do...
Releasing Doves: Nothing symbolizes love more than the white bird's release when the newly married leave their ceremony. Come to think of it though, if this was a common occurrence how have I not seen a dove in the wild yet?
Throwing Rice: The one thing I never understood was where the rice comes from? Am I supposed to have a pocket full of rice on me throughout the wedding just for or will someone supply it when the time is right?
"I object!": In the world of television, these two words seem to happened more than "I do". Surely everyone has some skeletons in their closet but if they don't come out during the wedding I'm going to be disappointed.
Tin Cans on the Bumper: Although this is clearly a driving hazard, I've always wondered to what extent this tradition goes to. Would it be faux pas to have Campbell's Tomato Soup cans tied up or is there a classier alternative to perishable foods that can be used.
Brawl for the Bouquet: The throwing of the bouquet always puzzled me. If you catch the flowers you're supposedly the next to get married, so this may be why I still am single.. Regardless, I'm sure to be in the front row for when the Stone Cold Stunners get thrown around.
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