When Before You Know It, Your Kids are Teenagers
When 12 becomes 13 and you really have no idea where the time went.
My youngest son is turning 13 this week and will go from being a tween to an actual teen and I am dying about it. A few years back, when my oldest turned 13, I don't remember feeling this way. So I am chalking it up to Brody being my youngest and that well, this is it.
From here, the teenage years only go by faster (so I'm told) and I'm guessing it's true. And according to so many family and friends in my life, the teen years can be challenging for the kids and parents.
Like most moms I know, I try to do my best with balancing my work life with raising these boys (with help from my awesome husband, of course). I do know I am very fortunate to have the flexibility with my work schedule that some of my friends don't have. For one, like going to the school events that somehow always fall during the day. Then, of course, the special occasions, like birthdays that happen to fall during the workweek.
The New York Times Best Seller The Teenage Brain by Dr. Frances Jensen is a great read for any parent, guardian or teacher. The book is described as taking a deep dive into the brains of teenagers, dispelling the myths and has a ton of great advice for your teens, too.
I have to say, I haven't yet read a book on parenting teenage boys, but after looking into this book and reading the reviews from other parents on Amazon, I'm going to buy it and read it. I'm pretty sure I could benefit and learn a thing or two from this read. Oh, and the author is a single mother of two teenage boys herself.
Happy 13th birthday Brody, I'm so proud of the boy you are and the young man you are becoming. But remember, you promised you'd "stay a kid" forever.🙃