My faith in humanity was once again restored as Westport's class of 2019 brought classiness and respect to the prom dance floor.

On Friday, May 17, Westport High School had its prom at the Hotel Viking in Newport. This is the high school that I graduated from back in 2005, and this year I was asked by the prom committee to be the DJ.

I've been waiting a long time for this.

However, I've noticed in the past four to five years that the amount of respect has been lacking and dress code has been a bit inappropriate. Not being a "Negative Nancy" or anything, these are just the facts and I found myself somewhat uncomfortable around the younger crowds. That was not the case this time.

My speakers were warmed up and music was cued on deck for the class to arrive. What happened next was not only inspirational, but somewhat of a relief.

The seniors and juniors poured into the room after being dropped off and immediately I noticed that they were well dressed and covered up, stylish and sophisticated. The ladies wore dresses that were "Dad Approved" and worthy of leaving the house and the men were well-groomed and sharply dressed.

During the dancing portion of the prom, I had a moment to speak with Superintendent Gary Reese about how impressed I was with the amount of maturity the class had as a whole and how well-mannered they were, and he couldn't agree more. Even the dancing was very appropriate, as opposed to the constant bumping and grinding of past dances I've worked.

There were no signs of bullying or cliques, just one united student body coming together to dance to good music. The Prom King wasn't the star quarterback of the football team, but rather an awesome kid who loved to make his classmates laugh and was beloved by everyone. THAT is how it should be every time, not a popularity contest where people feel unwanted or inadequate.


The kids simply had a great time and it was nice to see pure fun being had and just an overall great time. Even the teachers joined in on the dance floor, proving my point that the students were there to have a good time, completely smashing the stigma that our youth has become tainted with poor manners and crude dancing.

So, to the Westport High School Class of 2019, to both the Seniors and the Juniors who attended, I truly want to thank you for proving yourselves to be young adults who can take a situation such as a prom and make it all about fun times and good memories. You've made us "older folk" proud and a little more confident on what the future holds for humanity.

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