
Turkey Tips
Turkey Tips
Turkey Tips
Are you cooking a turkey for the first time this year? Maybe trying a new way to prepare your Thanksgiving meal? Well however you plan to cook, you want to get it right. And these videos can help!
Turkey Day
Turkey Day
Turkey Day
Thanksgiving isn't exactly a mysterious holiday. Pilgrims, Plymouth, and sharing food. We know. But there's a few facts about Turkey Day you might not know.
Kids in the Kitchen
Kids in the Kitchen
Kids in the Kitchen
There may be some tiny chefs out there, but for the most part, letting a child take the reigns on Thanksgiving may result in food poisoning.  Here are five adorably scary recipes for cooking ole' Tom Turkey.
Turkey Too Soon?
Turkey Too Soon?
Turkey Too Soon?
Here is one of the two 20 pound turkeys we are cooking for Thanksgiving. I'm not a bad cook, but I just can't out figure out how to do the gravy.