
Open Letter to Marylou’s
Open Letter to Marylou’s
Open Letter to Marylou’s
I am a former Bridgewater State University student who made it through college by making Marylou’s runs on study breaks. I now live in Dartmouth and I work in Fairhaven. The closest Marylou’s to me opened in Lakeville a few months ago ...
Internet Outrage 2015
Internet Outrage 2015
Internet Outrage 2015
Each week our social media newsfeeds are crammed full of stuff that makes people take sides, whether they consciously realize it or not. 2015 was no different and the internet turned out some pretty memorable controversies that at the root of it all, were all a bit silly and not worth de-friending people over.
What's Trending
What's Trending
What's Trending
Starbucks is getting slammed AGAIN, Sports Illustrated names Serena Williams the sportsperson of the year and Google's most searched terms of 2015.
Starbucks Controversy Returns
Starbucks Controversy Returns
Starbucks Controversy Returns
Whatever happened to "Eat, drink and be merry?" Starbucks actually discontinued the festive Christmas cookie back in 2010, but it's making the rounds on social media again. This cute polar bear is supposed to be wearing a festive little scarf around his neck to keep him warm, but customers started seeing a different image...

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