cell phone

Is Society Too Into Their Cell Phones?
Is Society Too Into Their Cell Phones?
Is Society Too Into Their Cell Phones?
It seems like its getting worse. Everyone with their cell phone in their hand every minutes of the day. Some people can't make a move without posting it on a social media site. " Going to work", Gonna make dinner and watch tv", "On my way to get my hair done", Headed to the Gym"...
The figures are climbing. In 2012 about 36 percent of American households did not have a landline. Five years before that, the number was 16 percent. I think there are a few reasons people still have one. They may have poor cell phone reception at home, or maybe have an alarm system that requires them to have one...
Sleep Texting
Sleep Texting
Sleep Texting
Teens on average are now getting less sleep than ever. And according to a nursing professor at Villanova University, the sleep many do get is interrupted by texting.
Perfect 10!
Perfect 10!
Perfect 10!
Recently, PK Hunder was practicing for the X-Games in Aspen, Colorado, when he forgot to take his mobile out of his pocket before jumping and twisting upside down off a ski jump.

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