Who Has the SouthCoast’s Best Mozambique Sauce [POLL]
It's no secret that Mozambique "anything" is one of the best meals offered here on the SouthCoast. Whether you're a fan of the chicken or shrimp variety, it all boils down to the sauce (pun intended).
Whether you prefer it creamy or more of a broth, you can smother it over almost anything. You really can't go wrong with it. It's a Portuguese staple that will forever be a "go-to" when dining at pretty much any Portuguese restaurant, especially around our neck of the woods.
So once again, I'm on the hunt for the best of the best and this one is going to be a difficult decision. You see, we are absolutely spoiled when it comes to good Portuguese food on the SouthCoast, so it goes without saying that choosing one recipe over the other is not exactly easy.
That's where you, the reader, come into play.
It's 2021 and I've decided to re-launch my favorite web-series, "The Spatula," with Episode 4: MozamFeast, featuring the best Mozambique sauce on the SouthCoast.
From Swansea to Fall River, Westport to New Bedford and everywhere else in between, I've put together a list of restaurants that offer that delicious golden sauce on their menus. Now it's up to you to help me decide which restaurant is worthy enough of "The Spatula," a rare and highly prestigious honor.
Take my poll below and once the votes are tallied up, I'll present the winning restaurant with the special "spatula trophy" that only goes out to the best in the biz. Good luck to all participants and remember, there's no such thing as a bad Mozambique recipe – at least, that I've had the pleasure to taste-test.