Santa is Writing Back to SouthCoast Children
Preparing a Christmas list has always been a process for kids. Back in the day it included the Sears catalog and other booklets from Toys 'R Us and others. After aggregating a list of their dream toys, for generations kids and parents work together to plan a trip to the nearest mall to visit Santa.
If that was not possible, or if kids were a little too nervous to approach a strange old man in a loud red outfit, children around the world have exercised another option. The good, old fashioned, practice of sitting down and writing a letter to Santa. But, as a kid, how did you know that Santa or one of his helper elves actually SAW your letter? I mean, you can write all the letters you want and mail them to the North Pole, but if no one is reading them what is the use?
Enter the Reggae On West Beach organization out of New Bedford. They are collecting letters to Santa as part of the Macy's Believe and Make-A-Wish foundation, but they are taking the concept to another level. Macy's will still donate $1 for each letter received (up to $1 million), but Reggae On West Beach are taking it further.
If you mail them your letter to Santa one of their local Elves (or even Santa himself) will sit down and answer your child with a hand written letter. All letters mailed will still be dropped off to Macy's.
Some Helpful Hints
Please remember to have a return address on your letter if you would like a response back. You can mail the Santa letters to: ROWB, PO Box 50205, New Bedford, MA 02745
- Santa nor any Elf will promise any particular gift
- Your address will not be forwarded to the foundations only letters will be forwarded with addresses redacted
- We are always seeking donations and supplies to keep community events and activities fee
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