Rock and Fox Show Morning Mindbenders Week of 3/25
If you missed any this week, here are the answers to the Morning Mindbenders on the Rock and Fox Show.
Monday 3/25
Question: A record number of people are doing this with their car this year?
Answer: turning in their leased vehicle
Tuesday 3/26
Question: 1 in 10 women have done this at more than 1 wedding?
Answer: catch the bouquet
Wednesday 3/27
Question: Doing this twice a month can add more than 5 years to your life?
Answer: attending a concert
Thursday 3/28
Question: 1 in 10 people have this weird/odd habit when it comes to breakfast?
Answer: pour milk in bowl before cereal
Friday 3/29
Question: When it comes to how we see ourselves as human beings, 8 out of 10 of us think this?
Answer: that we're funny