Popular Bumper Cars in Providence Set to Stay Open Year-Round
We all got super excited when bumper cars on ice came to the Alex and Ani Center in Providence...Now they're staying open year-round!
Back in December, we got word that the Alex and Ani Center in Providence was adding bumper cars to their ice rink for the winter season. The bumper cars ran on a specific schedule, often times while the center was also open for skaters, and have been a huge hit. At just $12 for 20 minutes, they are the perfect activity for people who maybe aren't the best at skating, families with little kids or just people like me who think the concept is insanely fun.
Due to their massive success, The Alex and Ani Center has decided to keep the bumper cars running through the spring and summer by changing out their tires so they can glide along on the concrete once the ice melts. They're even looking to get a giant soccer ball so you can play bumper car soccer!
The bumper cars themselves cost just around $85,000 for the 16-car fleet and have made close to $132,000 since being added to the skating center. Meaning they've been very lucrative for the city and unbelievably fun for the public.
According to their Facebook page, spring programming will begin in May. We can't wait to play bumper car soccer this summer!