New Bedford Residents Can Now Pay Taxes Through BayCoast ITMs
NEW BEDFORD — Effective immediately, New Bedford residents can now utilize two BayCoast Bank Interactive Teller Machine (ITM) locations for certain payments.
Residents who are unable to come to City Hall during regular business hours (Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.) can take advantage of this option to make payments at BayCoast’s ITM locations at 23 Elm Street in New Bedford, 714 Dartmouth Street in Dartmouth, or at any of its other ITM locations in Fall River, Seekonk, Attleboro, and Little Compton, RI.
The ITMs accept cash or checks; the ITMs combine the convenience of a traditional ATM with the personal service of banking for customers, allowing the customer to see and talk to a real person through a video monitor.
“We’re happy to help make tax payments easier for New Bedford residents, by accepting payments at our Interactive Teller Machines,” said Ann Ramos-Desrosiers, Chief Community Banking Officer at BayCoast. “Now residents can make their payments as early as 7 a.m. and as late as 7 p.m. on weekdays, and on Saturdays between 8 a.m. and 2 p.m. at our Elm Street branch – or any of our ITMs throughout the Southcoast.”
“BayCoast Bank has served as an alternate payment center for the residents of the City of New Bedford for many years,” said Renee Fernandes, Treasurer-Collector for the City. “The ability to utilize the new ITM technology for City payments, especially when city offices are closed, provides our customers with greater flexibility.”
Visit www.baycoastbank.com or call (508) 678-7641 or (888) 806-2872 for more information.
--City of New Bedford
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