Most Popular Dog Names In Massachusetts
Have you added a new family member this year? Maybe you've rescued a four-legged friend or bought a new puppy for the kids. One you did, then came the difficult decision of choosing the name that best fits the dog's looks or personality. Male dogs may wind up with a more rugged name like "Rocky" or "Duke,", while the females are usually given a "cuter" name like "Bailey" or "Daisy."
So which were the most popular dog names in the Bay State for 2017? FOX NEWS 25 in Boston recently featured a story revealing the results.
For male dogs, Max remains the most popular name. Next is Charlie, then Cooper, Buddy and Jack. So surprised that there is no Brady on the list.
The most popular names given to female dogs this year were Bella at number one, then Lucy, Daisy, Luna and Lola. I'm a bit surprised that there is no Leia, in honor of the "Star Wars" princess.
I've already had a great dog named Max, so next time I might go with Tucker or Jeter. Although naming my dog after a New York Yankees legend might not be a great idea while living in Massachusetts.
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