Little-Known Historical Facts About SouthCoast Towns
We all know that the cities and towns across the SouthCoast have been around for a long time. Pretty much all of them were here way before America was America and many have been the site of great historical moments in our country's history.
Who hasn't heard about New Bedford's high standing in the world's whaling history? What history book doesn't mention our corner of the world when recounting this lucrative industry of the 18th and 19th centuries?
How about Plimoth Patuxet, the living history museum teaching people about the original English settlement in the New World? Who hasn't traveled there at least once in their grade-school days while learning about this part of our country's history?
We also boast several area forts that played integral parts in the Revolutionary and Civil wars.
Like Fort Phoenix, which saw the first naval engagement of the American Revolution off its coast and has a plaque to that fact on it's shores.
The Industrial Revolution also thrived on the SouthCoast, making Fall River the second-largest city in all of Massachusetts at one time in the late 1800s. Its numerous factories along the Quequechan River made it the leading textile city in America by 1868.
Along with those great historical moments, however, are the quieter moments that simply showed life was changing and the country was growing. Though they may not be as talked about as some of the history stories we learn in school, there are a lot of memorable people and places in our corner of the world.